Sorry kids, this is going to be a little TMI. Feel free to just skip over this if you're not up for a disgusting story. So, the other day I went to the park with some friends and when I came home I knew I needed to change Miss Sienna's diaper. I got the new diaper ready and held Sienna's legs up by her ankles to wipe her bum, when all of the sudden Sienna started squirting nasty newborn diarrhea poo. Nasty projectile vomit poo all over me. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry or scream. My phone was within reach, so I attempted to take a picture just so I could show Dan what his precious baby girl did to her mom (and that this was worse than anything he had experienced). The picture doesn't even show the half of it--it was all over my shirt, arm, neck, pants, the couch. I mean, this was some serious force. It was so bad that it soaked all the way through my clothes. It was disgusting. I was telling the story to some friends and I said, "It's a good thing Sienna is so cute" and Connie said that she and her husband always say that cuteness has saved more babies than carseats. I loved it. So true!!! All I have to say is that motherhood is definitely not for the faint of heart! 

Wow--that's one of the worst poop stories I've heard in a while. Or ever! So sorry! (...more babies than carseats--LOL!!! Expressed so well.)
Isn't it funny what you don't mind having all over you after you have a child? That is amazing distance though. I am impressed with Sienna. ;)
Oh man, I shouldn't have looked at that pic while eating. So, you should really come on Friday night. It will be so fun, and you can bring any friends/sisters in law that would want to come. It will be a good time. And Dan will thank you.
I too am impressed with the distance of the projectile poo. Don't worry you probably won't experience that too many more times or again. They usually get over that when there stool changes forms - probably around 4-6 months. It is funny how it all changes when it is your own child's poo all over you. Good luck! I vote Dixon to have to change every poopy diaper here on out just because of that. Ha!
I LOVE IT! I am so with you sister (plus teh pee factor of a new little boy..) The shock factor, not sure if you should laugh or scream.. I mostly love that you got a picture! That, My Dear, is quick thinkin!!
HA hahahahah!
Welcome to motherhood girl!
At least you didn't take it in the eye.
yeah. It's happened.
....I know.
yes, we all unfortunately have a newborn mustard pooh explosion story.
Poor Tyson missed me but projected it all over the changing table, the entry way and peed in his face at the same time.
Poor guy, he'll never live it down because ALL of his brothers were there to witness it and thought it was the MOST HYSTERICAL thing they ever saw. All you have to do is say baby poo and they will launch into hysterics while telling the story. I cringe the first time Tyson brings some girl he likes home!
My little sweet Taylor did the same thing to me a week after we got home from the hospital. I will never forgot it and she laughs SO hard every time I tell her that story. Cherish the memories... no matter how gross they are!! Love and miss ya!
Okay, I'm watching House right now and the baby projectile poo is worse even than the disgusting stuff on TV. What a talented baby!
Talented baby!
Oh man! I used to complain to Scott that for every projectile vomit he got -- I got it 10! But projectile diarrhea?!?! Never had that, so now I'll stop complaining. Hilarious post. Don't you love new babies?
i'm impressed you have the stomach and fortitude to take a picture first. I supress the gag reflex as I clean them up and then I run to the shower screaming.
I just have to say that it is better that it hit you not the girl sitting next you at swimming lessons.....:)Yeah that's right Gwyn and Kasey got to know eachother real well.
Blake...constipated for 6 days... suppository (under direction of Dr.) hit the wall, me, my face, lips, etc. I feel your pain.
Same story, but it happened to me in the car right before I was going in the mall to get a nursing bra! My mom had to go in for me and buy several and then we returned what didn't fit. So I sat there with all the poo and a week old baby while she got to go shopping!
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