Apr 5, 2009

Great Quote

General Conference was great (www.lds.org). I just love feeling spiritually rejuvenated. General Conference always come at the perfect time for me--when I'm slacking on my spirituality and when I don't seem to have my priorities in line. I want to write more of my thoughts when I have more time, but I just wanted to share a great quote. It's by Mother Teresa and says

"We can not do great things, only small things with great love."

LOVE that! Ok, that's all. I'll write more later. And I'll post some new pics of the rugrat, since that's what all of you want to see anyway! ;) I can't believe she's nearly 8 months old. She's doing great--especially now that's she's better. She had a rough week (which meant we all had a rough week) with a nasty virus, broke out in hives and had an ear infection. My baby girl did not smile for 2 days straight. It was so sad! The only good thing about it was how cuddly she was. Now, if I could just get better, the Dixon's would be in great shape! Stay tuned...

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