Oct 14, 2010

Betty Crocker....

Or is it Martha Stewart? I forget. Basically, I'm super domestic.  So, I did a little canning last night. I've only done it once, we did salsa with some friends last year(I think?).  (So I'm totally kidding when I say I'm super domestic, I'm a complete amateur).  It was a ton of work, but there were lots of helping hands and the salsa was great.  Somehow I forgot the work involved and slaved away (by myself...Dan chopped 1/2 an onion) all night long and ended up with 6 little pints of salsa and 4 little containers of strawberry-peach jam.  I'm just trying to remind myself that it's 4 jars of salsa that I don't have to buy! (Since most of the ingredients were free from family members). It better taste good! :)  I think it's a keeper, if so I'll post the recipe so I don't forget it!  It's definitely got lots of kick!


Anonymous said...

you totally are martha stewart! BTW i love the quote that you posted a couple of posts...i am totally stealing that.

Annika said...

Michelle and I did like 60 something pints of Salsa a couple of weeks ago. We want to DIE!!! But yes, in the middle of winter it taste oh so good!